Risk assessments demystified

Course Details

1 hour towards your annual CPD requirement
CPD development outcome
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Professional interest(s)
Course details

In more ‘normal’ times, risk, risk assessments and risk management are often seen as at best a minor inconvenience and at worst an unnecessary distraction from running the practice. The idea that they need to be undertaken annually is usually greeted with a loud groan.

The aim of this course is to provide up to date guidance on how best to assess and manage risk in ‘normal’ times and also during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

This course is intended for all members of the dental team.

Aims and objectives

The aim of this course is to provide up to date guidance on how best to assess and manage risk in ‘normal’ times, during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

Relevant For:

Dental therapist
Dental hygienist
Orthodontic therapist
Clinical dental technician
Dental nurse
Dental technician
Orthodontic nurse