Duty of candour

Course Details

0.5 hours towards your annual CPD requirement
CPD development outcome
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Professional interest(s)
Course details

In April 2015, the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 brought in a new regulation that is applicable to all providers of health and social care – regulation 20: duty of candour.

The regulation uses the following terms: openness, transparency, candour. What this means in practice is that when things go wrong, which from time to time is inevitable, patients must be told the truth, an apology must be given, and an appropriate remedy must be offered.

Aims and objectives

On completion of this course, you will understand your obligations under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014: regulation 20: duty of candour. And you will understand how to apply this professional duty in your day to day work.

Relevant For:

Dental therapist
Dental hygienist
Orthodontic therapist
Clinical dental technician
Dental nurse
Orthodontic nurse