Disinfection and decontamination
Video: Disinfection and decontamination

Course Details

1 hour towards your annual CPD requirement
CPD development outcome
Pete Gibbons
Professional interest(s)
Course details

The Online CPD Dentistry Show is an educational event aimed at supporting dental professionals in meeting the General Dental Council compulsory learning objectives. This event will provide attendees with up to nine hours of Enhanced CPD.

The lecture will provide an update on the latest developments within infection prevention and control guidelines and consider current prevention measures in practice.

Aims and objectives
  • Demonstrate understanding of infection control issues in dentistry
  • Recognise relevant guidelines and best practice
  • Identify strategies and techniques for infection control.

Relevant For:

Dental therapist
Dental hygienist
Orthodontic therapist
Clinical dental technician
Dental nurse
Dental technician
Orthodontic nurse