Autism and learning disabilities awareness

Course Details

1 hour towards your annual CPD requirement
CPD development outcomes
A & D
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Course details

The course provides an introduction to:

• Autism and learning difficulties

• The different types of learning disabilities, and how these affect people

• Neurodiversity

• Mental health conditions

• The stigma and discrimination faced by many people with autism and learning disabilities. 

Finally, the course offers a practical guide to delivering person-centred dental care, making reasonable adjustments, creating the right culture, and supporting patients with autism and learning disabilities in dental practices.


Aims and objectives

The aim of this course is to provide an overview of autism and learning disabilities so that dental teams can provide the best support for their patients and fellow colleagues.

Relevant For:

Dental therapist
Dental hygienist
Orthodontic therapist
Dental nurse
Orthodontic nurse